DGS Transportation Update: Ms. Doris will be running the morning bus route beginning Monday, October 28. There will be no morning route tomorrow, 10/25 and no afternoon bus route for the time being. Thank you all for your patience and cooperation.
3 months ago, Mrs. Clough
Come join our staff!
3 months ago, Mrs. Clough
DGS Transportation Update: please see the attached note regarding transportation. There will not be a bus route this afternoon (10/23) or tomorrow morning (10/24). Thank you, and sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
3 months ago, Mrs. Clough
Bus route
Save the date! Picture day is coming up.
3 months ago, Mrs. Clough
pic day
pic day
DGS Pickup and Drop off Procedure Changes: October 15-October 16, students will need to be picked up and dropped off at Door F (gym foyer entrance), due to the sidewalk construction. Please be on the lookout for any other updates this week.
4 months ago, Mrs. Clough
We hope everyone enjoys the long weekend!
4 months ago, Mrs. Clough
2nd grade read the book Amelia Bedelia's First Apple Pie, then Mrs. Langan went home and made the recipe in the back of the book. Turns out it's a hit for most of the 2nd graders. Especially when you add ice cream!
4 months ago, Mrs. Clough
2nd Grade Apples
2nd Grade Apples
2nd Grade Apples
2nd Grade Apples
2nd Grade Apples
2nd Grade Apples
2nd Grade Apples
2nd Grade Apples
2nd Grade Apples
Picture day has been rescheduled for October 29. We will send out more information closer to time.
4 months ago, Kelly Taylor
Information regarding girls basketball:
4 months ago, Mrs. Clough
girls bball
Good luck to our softball team as they begin regional play today. They will play St. Andrew at 4:30. Good Luck Lady Rangers!
4 months ago, Mrs. Clough
2nd Grade taste tested apples and graphed which was their favorite. What a great way to start the fall season!
4 months ago, Mrs. Clough
2nd Grade Apples
2nd Grade Apples
2nd Grade Apples
2nd Grade Apples
2nd Grade Apples
2nd Grade Apples
2nd Grade Apples
2nd Grade Apples2nd Grade Apples2nd Grade Apples2nd Grade Apples2nd Grade Apples2nd Grade Apples2nd Grade Apples2nd Grade Apples2nd Grade Apples2nd Grade Apples2nd Grade Apples2nd Grade Apples2nd Grade Apples2nd Grade Apples2nd Grade Apples2nd Grade Apples2nd Grade Apples2nd Grade Apples2nd Grade Apples2nd Grade Apples
Boys basketball will be starting soon!
4 months ago, Mrs. Clough
boys bball practice
The final Digital Citizenship lesson for Jr. High was focused on helping kids post, comment, and upload responsibly.
4 months ago, Mrs. Clough
JH #5
JH #5
DGS is aware of the increase in social media threats of violence targeting schools in Illinois and Missouri. Although these threats were found to be unsubstantiated after further investigation, their purpose was to disrupt the learning environment. The school collaborates with local law enforcement to handle these situations. Please report any suspicious activity to DGS officials.
4 months ago, Kelly Taylor
8th grade recognition for baseball and softball will be at today's games. Please come out to the park as we celebrate our 8th graders: Ryan, Kaleb, Rowdy and Jace. Good luck Rangers!
4 months ago, Mrs. Clough
8th grade night
Jr. High Digital Citizenship Lesson #4: Help kids make friends and interact safely online.
4 months ago, Mrs. Clough
JH #4
JH #4
Jr. High Digital Citizenship Lesson #3: Help kids post, comment, and upload responsibly.
5 months ago, Mrs. Clough
JH #3
JH #3
Jr. High Digital Citizenship lesson #2 was about helping boost kids safety, privacy and security while online.
5 months ago, Mrs. Clough
JH #2
JH #2
Jr. High has begun their Digital Citizenship Lessons with Mrs. Clough. The first lesson was on media balance. Attached are tips and ways to discuss with children about balancing their media lives. The Jr. high lessons will continue through next week.
5 months ago, Mrs. Clough
Media Balance
Media Balance
Yesterday, with the help of So IL Veggies, the REACH class got to pick flowers and plant turnips and radishes in our school garden.
5 months ago, Mrs. Clough
Reach-So IL Veggies
Reach-So IL Veggies
Reach-So IL Veggies
Reach-So IL Veggies
Reach-So IL Veggies